Screw Products, Inc. SSTH-09158-5 Silver Star Trim Head 305 Stainless Steel Star Drive Wood Screws Best Deals in United States
Online shopping is now the fastest and easiest way of getting various products. Screw Products, Inc. SSTH-09158-5 Silver Star Trim Head 305 Stainless Steel Star Drive Wood Screws is an example of good quality product anybody can buy on the internet. When you consider having this product, you comes to the right place. We give you special discount for this good product with secure transaction.
Product Features
- Silver Star 305 Stainless Steel Star Drive Wood Screws for Coastal Environments, Corrosive Applications and High Moisture Areas Where Extra Resistance is Needed
- Star Drive offers twice the torque over Phillips or square drive screws
- Flat Trim Head with Self-countersinking Nibs and Drag Reducing Knurled Shoulder
- Type 17 Notched Extra Sharp Point reduces the need for pre-drilling
- Deep, Wide, Sharp Threads and provides maximum holding power
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Screw Products, Inc. SSTH-09158-5 Silver Star Trim Head 305 Stainless Steel Star Drive Wood Screws. Reviewed by 23 votes. Rating:
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