Grip-Rite 3CDWS25BK 8-by-3-Inch Coarse Thread Drywall Screws with Bugle Head, Black, 25-Pound Bucket

Grip-Rite 3CDWS25BK 8-by-3-Inch Coarse Thread Drywall Screws with Bugle Head, Black, 25-Pound Bucket Best Deals in United States

With online shopping you can shop without leaving home, choose from a wide selection of merchants, use shopping comparison services to search the Web for the best price, and then have the items delivered to your doorstep. Grip-Rite 3CDWS25BK 8-by-3-Inch Coarse Thread Drywall Screws with Bugle Head, Black, 25-Pound Bucket is an example of great products anybody can buy online. If you consider purchasing this product, you visit the right site. We offer you special discount for this great product with super free super saver shipping.

Product Features

  • 3" x #8
  • Bugle Head, #2 Phillips Drive
  • Black, Coarse Thread, Sharp Point
  • 25lb Clear Resealable Bucket with Handle
  • Approximately 83 per pound

Without doubt, Grip-Rite 3CDWS25BK 8-by-3-Inch Coarse Thread Drywall Screws with Bugle Head, Black, 25-Pound Bucket is one of high-quality products you can purchase online. There are several online stores offering this product. If you're interested getting this product, where should you spend your dollars?

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Fortunately you comes to the right place, we give you special price for Grip-Rite 3CDWS25BK 8-by-3-Inch Coarse Thread Drywall Screws with Bugle Head, Black, 25-Pound Bucket, so you don't have to do comparing price again.

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Grip-Rite 3CDWS25BK 8-by-3-Inch Coarse Thread Drywall Screws with Bugle Head, Black, 25-Pound Bucket. Reviewed by 10 votes. Rating: 4


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